P-06-1288 Deliver Magor and Undy Walkway Station, part of the Burns Delivery Programme, as a quick win


This petition was submitted by Paul Turner, having collected 297 signatures online and 250 on paper, making for a total of 547 signatures collected.


Text of Petition:                      

We urge the Welsh Government to expedite the opening of Magor and Undy Walkway Station, as a ‘quick win’ in the delivery of the lord Burns report. The station is needed now, with the population of Magor with Undy rapidly expanding and shortly becoming a town.

Magor Action Group on Rail (M.A.G.O.R.) has been campaigning for 10 years to restore a railway station to the communities of Magor and Undy. It has had massive community support and the full backing of local politicians in the County, Senedd and from our MP. This resulted in it being included in the Burns Report Recommendations and its inclusion in the Burns Delivery Programme. We believe this would be a ‘quick win’ because it is a technically simple and cost-effective element of the plan.


The full history of the campaign is available on our website - magorstation.co.uk.


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Newport East

·         South Wales East